Friday, July 6, 2007

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme

Last Saturday D and I went to buy some fresh strawberries at a local farm so I could make strawberry shortcake for my dad's birthday. On the way back, we stopped at the farm's garden center so I could pick up an annual to fill the empty spot in my front flower bed. The register wasn't open yet, so we walked around and I decided to get some herbs for the container kitchen garden I've been wanting to plant. Unofrtunately they were out of basil, but I did get cilantro, 2 types of oregano, dill, peppermint, parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme!

I potted up the rosemary and peppermint with a tall spiky annual I had purchased a few weeks ago.

The thyme and oreganos went in a window box with some pansies that had been in another container for a couple of months, but the bunnies kept eating all of the flowers.

The cilantro, dill, and parsley are all together in 1 planter, but the sage is all by itself since it was so big and I was running out of things to put with it. I think I need to get some alyssum or something to go in with the parsley, cilantro, and dill...right now it looks a little bare. Or, maybe some marigolds if I can find them...I'm not a big fan of marigolds, but they might work well in this case.

The flowers out front are coming along, but I didn't take any pictures this morning since I was in my nightgown! The daylilies in the back look beautiful though I take no credit for those...they were there when we moved in.

The cat has really taken to being outdoors and now scratches at the sliders to go in and out. She's not quite used to being an outdoor cat yet as she noticed 2 rabbits but then didn't realize they were still there once they were in "statue pose." She's also been eating grass which means she's been throwing up. I guess I haven't been feeding her enough lettuce and spinach lately!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Am loving your new blogs--was wondering when you would start your own! I'm no longer feeling domestic, and instead feeling like a taxi driver this summer, shuttling the little guys to swim team, tennis, etc., etc. I LONG for domesticity!! Can't wait to see the new house in person. xoxo bsil (big sis in law)