Saturday, July 7, 2007

You know you're an adult when...

...your Saturday looks something like this:

1) Get up at 7:30 (yes, I got up that early on a Saturday--unheard of before I moved to the suburbs), put a load of laundry in the washer and make omelets with leftover cheese, tomatoes, and onions
2) Husband goes out to get an oil change and pick up a gallon of milk
3) Read for the essential news of the day and then blog
4) Switch laundry, shower, dress, deadhead flowers, etc.
5) Help husband change oil in the lawnmower and bring used oil to the fire station
6) Go to the store to help husband pick out an appropriate suit
7) Go to Crate and Barrel to pick up some exciting registry items like a cutting board, steamer basket, and cookie sheets then got to Macys to do some returns
8) Look at dining room and bedroom furniture
9) Come home, maybe do more laundry, maybe some weeding (they're taking over)
10) Figure out what to do with 1 dozen ears of leftover corn (salad? chowder?)
11) Start tackling the mess in the office and try to find a place for all of my junk
12) ??? Who knows what other excitement the day will bring ???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Maybe I'm not treating your blog correctly as I know you and could be emailing you this directly. But, my vote (for the ears of corn) is for corn salad -- Martha has a great one with blanched sugar snaps, fresh mint, parmesean cheese, salt and pepper. Toss all together with white wine vinegar and a little olive oil.

Sounds like you are treating your Sat. a.m.s like the rest of us! I went walking this a.m. (ate all too much at our 4th of July festivities this week!) and then we all headed off to buy some produce, bread and cheese at the farmer's market. Now I'm heading out to prune my roses. Ah, the joy's of summer suburban Saturdays! xoxo bsil