On Sunday D and I did some more gardening. He pulled out all of the deer-eaten euonymous from around the lamp post. It looked really bad, and last year we had considered pulling it out, but never got to it. The deer made the decision to get rid of it very easy. Below are some pictures of just how bad it looked.
I defined a bed area in the big pile of dirt and planted the plants with some cow manure and Cockadoodle Doo fertilizer (chicken shit pellets). I also moved some alyssum D's grandmother gave me last summer into this area too. D then picked up some nice dark brown mulch, and I finished off the little garden. Now all we need to do is grass in the rest of the dirt. I'm pretty happy with how my new lamp post garden turned out.
This weekend also marked the near completion of the master bedroom. On Saturday our furniture was delivered, we bought a celing fan, and we finally bought a mattress. On Wednesday night we'll sleep in the finished bedroom (the only other time we slept in that room was the night we closed on the house a year ago). When the whole bedroom is complete I do a blog post of the "reveal." Check out this post for what it used to look like. The transformation astounds me!
This weekend we also looked at nursery furniture and a car. This time the Honda CRV. Unfortunately I was too beat on Saturday afternoon to take it for a test drive. After looking at it/sitting in it, it's still on our short list along with the Subaru Forrester and a Volvo V70 wagon. We wish that Toyota still made a Camry wagon--if they did we would buy one in a heartbeat. D's 1998 Camry has 200K miles and still runs like a champ!
And, the weekend was not all work and no play. On Sunday am we went to church at 8am (D's been going since March, this was my first time--8am is completely killer for me) and I met the couple that D runs into at the country store after church each week. They are a super nice couple who live in a nearby town and have been doing lots of work and gardening at their house. We sat and chatted with them for a while and I ate my 2nd breakfast. Then, I rushed out to meet my friend Karen (a friend I met through the newcomer's club last fall) for my 3rd breakfast of the day. I'm starting to make friends who live nearby which is a huge plus. All of my other friends live a minimum of 1/2 hour away or as far as across the country!
That pretty much wraps up the weekend, though I'll post tomorrow about the wildlife that visited us on Saturday. Oh how I love living in suburbia!!! (seriously, I do)
Isn't it funny how the further along we get, the more we do? If my two cents is worth anything, I would vote for the CRV and skip the Forester. You can't beat a Honda for reliability. I have had an Element for three years now and it has never had a problem. Great gas milage on the Honda SUV's as well (for an SUV). Have you looked at the Rav yet? Another good "baby" SUV, but more leg room and better engine.
The Forester has had problems with clutch chatter (doesn't apply if you're buying an automatic), leaking head gaskets (they're using a band-aid approach on this one to help prevent an EXPENSIVE repair) and rear wheel bearing problems. I haven't been able to determine what's been done on the redesigned '09 Forester to prevent these problems which is why we bought an '08 Honda CR-V EX when we sold our '98 Forester.
The CR-V is MUCH better than we thought it would be and surely much more reliable than the Volvo you're considering.
While both mom and bf have new CR-Vs I have to put a plug in for the Subaru -- check your consumer reports, there was a major redesign of the Forrester in 2003 and it gets top ranks for a used car. Keep your footprint small -- buy a smaller car that is used!
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